Monday, December 26, 2011

Photo Summary and Movies

Okay, so Amy has reminded me that I was thinking about doing a summary of my week in photos. This is hard for me since I only grab the camera when we go on trips and such (thus the lack of close-up every day objects). I shall try it, however, and see how many events this week are photo-worthy (I'm sorry though Amy, brushing one's teeth would not be one of them. ;-D).
'Tis an experiment.

Anyway, in other news we went to the drive-in theater yesterday and watched both Happy Feet 2 and the new Sherlock Homes: A Game of Shadows (in 40 degree weather!). I will have to write some entries on those, but in the meantime I posted a review on the movie Tron: Legacy on the rating blog I co-operate. You can find it here:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Okay, what's up with me recently? Well, for starters I was sick for like two weeks - which stinks - but now I've gotten back into the photo taking and editing mood along with my Star Wars stuff (for those of you who don't know, I run a few fan-pages on FB, a few with over 200 and 300 likes. Takes time to keep up with those, lol).

One thing I've learned though; Be careful which blogs you follow - some people just post WAY too much! ;-D No offense CadBane'sChick (if you're reading this), lol, but you're the main one on that list.

Here's some of my newest photography (for those of you following my Photography blog, you won't see the pizza one).

 Imperial Pizza!

This picture is called "Into the Light", and can also be found here:

In other news, ThePianoGuys rock! lol.