Monday, December 26, 2011

Photo Summary and Movies

Okay, so Amy has reminded me that I was thinking about doing a summary of my week in photos. This is hard for me since I only grab the camera when we go on trips and such (thus the lack of close-up every day objects). I shall try it, however, and see how many events this week are photo-worthy (I'm sorry though Amy, brushing one's teeth would not be one of them. ;-D).
'Tis an experiment.

Anyway, in other news we went to the drive-in theater yesterday and watched both Happy Feet 2 and the new Sherlock Homes: A Game of Shadows (in 40 degree weather!). I will have to write some entries on those, but in the meantime I posted a review on the movie Tron: Legacy on the rating blog I co-operate. You can find it here:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Okay, what's up with me recently? Well, for starters I was sick for like two weeks - which stinks - but now I've gotten back into the photo taking and editing mood along with my Star Wars stuff (for those of you who don't know, I run a few fan-pages on FB, a few with over 200 and 300 likes. Takes time to keep up with those, lol).

One thing I've learned though; Be careful which blogs you follow - some people just post WAY too much! ;-D No offense CadBane'sChick (if you're reading this), lol, but you're the main one on that list.

Here's some of my newest photography (for those of you following my Photography blog, you won't see the pizza one).

 Imperial Pizza!

This picture is called "Into the Light", and can also be found here:

In other news, ThePianoGuys rock! lol.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Metajets and Robotech

Okay, so I like animated TV shows, lol, and having just finished watching Metajets I thought I'd say something on this blog. :-P

Metajets is pretty awesome in my opinion (about as good as Eon Kid) - yeah, the plot is kinda predictable and there are a few plot holes, especially at the end (maybe there was supposed to be a season 2?), but all in all a good clean good-vs-evil animated TV show, though I have no idea why the world always needs saving and these kids are the only one's available.

One thing I found surprising about it when I first started watching it was the fact that the vehicles and some of the close-up scenery are made in 3D - when the characters themselves are only in 2D. The jets look pretty cool that way but the characters look kinda funny if they give you a cockpit shot, lol.

I hear they even have a flight-sim-like game with it too, maybe I should try it, lol.

Okay, now, since Netflix has like no other animated TV shows we looked at Zixx - and weren't really interested. So then we put up the old Manga-introducing TV show of Robotech.

So far in the 3 episodes we've watched the animation is pretty decent for 1985, however there is a little too much "hitting on" ppl for my liking, so we'll see if we make it past a few more episodes - I doubt we'll make it all the way to number 85, lol.

I really like spacey shows and such, so I'm leaning in favor of this show until it gets unbearable, haha.

Perhaps I shall repost this to DecentMovies 'R' Us.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Testing Complete Randomness

Okay, this post is a test of the email-to-post thingy. It will be deleted unless someone comments on it. XD

No idea why this is in a white text box...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eon Kid

Eon Kid (USA)
Yes, I watch a lot of animated films and TV shows! They are awesome! XD Anyway, this one we've been currently watching is called Eon Kid (Iron Kid in South Korea and Spain). It has good quality graphics but is a bit lax on the voice overs as it's a South Korean TV show translated into English (it was produced by Daewon Media and Design Storm in South Korea, with the help of BRB Internacional in Spain), so Fel, you oughta like it. ;-)

At first I wasn't expecting much from the show as in the first 10 episodes or so the plot is pretty slow, but it gives some good action afterward to make up for it, so it's still a good watch in my opinion, with good action scenes and characters, though on some of the characters you're left guessing as to their origin and their story, which is a bummer, but hey, I doubt it was big budget.

Iron Kid (South Korea and Spain)

OH, btw! I wrote a formal entry on this show HERE:
Check it out! ;-D

Monday, September 26, 2011


I don't know if anyone even clicked on any of the last links (c'mon guys, I need feedback here! At least an Lol or SOMEthing), but I guess this is just an update about me.
Well anyway, I've been watching The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon version and so far it's a bit confusing (not as good as the X-men cartoons) but decent. Anybody out there like any cartoon series or movie based off a cartoon?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Star Wars Comic

I thought these Star Wars comics were funny and shared them on Facebook. Decided to do it here too. XD

P.S. Don't forget to watch the vid in my last entry! :-P

Your FUN Economics Lesson

Since I'm in need of a post I decided to share this with everyone, and besides, who doesn't like to watch nice cartoons?

If you all have 20-some minutes here's an episode from Star Wars: The Clone Wars that very much reminded me of our financial dilemma here in the States. Ignore the senator-intimidating if you must, but it may be more real-life than you think:

Friday, September 9, 2011


I was doing some stuff on a government and economics forum on facebook and I thought to bring this into connection:

I was reading in the bible today about the poor. In the ancient Israelite society everyone had an ancestral property that stayed within the family, keeping them a productive member of their economy. If they became desperate and ran out of luck, they were allowed to sell this property (until the next 50yr space of time, the Jubilee, which had to be there or the ancestor-property thing wouldn't work and someone would buy it all up) in order to get back on his feet.
If they were still poor after that there were other methods they had to keep him from being poor forever. I just thought it quite interesting that back then they tried very hard to keep all of their people on productive land. It's also interesting that it tells us there to LEND to the poor, not to GIVE. That way they have to do something productive with what you give them in order to pay it back.

Just some thoughts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Design 001

Yeah, the title is too fat, I know. Will fix eventually.

Math, kinda

There is a type of math in the Exact Sciences called Alternate Units (coined by Grassmann). This incredibly confusing non-scalar mode of math using vectors of directed steps across a plane uses equations like 2 x 2 = 0, a^2 = 0, AB = -BA, and 2 x 3 = -3 x 2.
Why I'm writing this in an entry I have no idea. Anyway, it's confusing and I hope I wrote that right as it's just what I think the book 'Common Sense of the Exact Sciences' is trying to tell me about....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to Randomness!

As it says on the sidebar this page is for messing around and maybe tidbits about my life.....if someone cares that is. Hope you get something out if it, lol.